Wednesday, October 5, 2011

That girl

Ak pown x tau naper ak ley tetibe suke kat die
Ni sumer nafsu...
Lgpown ak pown x tau la naper ak jelez tgk pak we die
Actually, im really dont want to couple with anybody..
Ak juz nak fokus study and enjoy my life...
Ttp ntah kenape kekadang ak ley terminat die
Ni sumer coz die selalu ngan ak since ak nye long holidays...
die selalu contak ak n mesej with me when she get bored....
Furthermore my parents know her...
Tp that shouldn't be the point to like her
Now juz think to terminate her from my mind n find sumtink to distract me from thingking of her

But i think i can start stop to keep thinking of her coz im really bz with my study right now

That all

P/s: ya ALLAH plez help me to overcome thiz thing sorry pasal post ak yg dlu..mmg time 2 ak serabut sgt...hope all of u(yg berkenaan) plez forgive me