Tuesday, January 18, 2011

panasssssssssss jerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

ak x tau la..
2-3 hari ak asyik moody jew...
ni sumer coz mende tuttttt
tension sial...
ak rase cam diri ak b***h sesangat....
cilake tol la....
semalam seharian ak mencarot x puas ati(even punce dr ak sndrik)...
then im start to think negatively...
ak pikir cam nak brenti jew blaja o tukar corse...
borink dah siot blaja cam ni...
ngan suasana x kondusif...
hidup cam pe lg ntah...
membazir zaman mude ak jew...
ak bukan demand nak enjoy 24/7...
but im also want to feel how to be the real young adult@old teenager....
ak dah rase cam zaman sekolah jew
nampak cam dikawal oleh ibu n bape...
even parent ak x kisah pown ak nak wat pe
tp yg penting not harm myself, others n also x wat bende yg salah....
tp siot la....
ak dah rase cam pe jew
cilakak tol la.....

ley x kalu ak nak tukar corse skang...
berbaloi x????
tolonggg jawab sket(jgn lelbey yerk)
ntah le...
kalu parent ak tau ak sebut perkara ni sure naik pening diorg....
nak mampos pe anak die ni....
tp mum n dad....
i feel really stresss n like live in small box....
i want to explore more
i want to know more about these world...
not juz only the hell medical thing(perghh teruknye)
ape ar......
tertekan kuase kude ak kalu cam ni...

anybody got a solution for me(yg positve k).....
rugi nye rase hidop ak ni....
ak dah 21...
its meant zaman tubuh badan ak kuat n bertenaga juz around 20 years more o less....
gile kejap jew 2....
pe2 je la....

yg benar dr:
anak desa

1 comment:

  1. relek bro..aku pon ad mslh same..sume org pon same...mcm ko ckp la..Allah xkn uji hambanye dengn bende yg kita x mmpu tanggung...ada hikmah disebalik ni...cuba cri hikmahnye..
