Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hari selasa ku...

hari ini hari selase...
pown xde yg special + extravaganza...
tp ri ni....
ayah ak g ijn.....
then pas maghrib tadi ak call ayah ak...
then die cakap cam not so serius...
tp next 19 die kne g ijn balik utk...
undergoes some procedure of intubation through artery( ye kew term 2)
arghh..bedal jew..
kalu serius dr kate kne wat balloning angioplastic....
nak tau pe 2 a
goggle la...
k la
that all....


  1. oo..nk wat angio ek...jgn riso la, kalo ada narrowing,stenosis ke, diorg wat ballon angioplastic,stenting ke.. widened it, done..

    then its good..dpt detect awal kn...juz kene monitor diet la after this, BP sume...regular checkup..

    payah nye mak ayah ni, diorg mls nk g clinic...haih [its happen to me..huhu]

  2. 2...
    problem g klinik xde la sgt....
    tp ayah ak smoking very chronic lorh....
    pas ni sure wajib brenti...
